Do I qualify?

To qualify, you must:

  • Be a current 1099 tax filer for your freelance or independent contractor work.

    • Guild Members are W-2 employees, with Guilds with Benefits as the “Employer of Record”. This is how you get those sweet benefits!

    • Guild Members earn 70% commissions on all payments taken, but take-home pay is around 90%-98% of current take-home pay. That’s how much the “system” favors employee/employer relationships over independent contractors!

  • Handle your own client scheduling/booking and payment platform.

    • Guild Members use the Guilds with Benefits booking and payment platforms for all customer scheduling and payment processing. Check payments can also be processed and received by Guilds with Benefits.

  • Show credentials to perform your work (certificate, degree, portfolio, etc.).

    • All of our Guild Members are verified professionals in their fields.

Right now, guild membership works best for those who:

  • Have low out-of-pocket expenses to perform your work.

    • You won’t be able to write any expenses off as W-2 employee.

  • Make at least $80k per year in sales.

    • You can still join if you make less than $80k/year, but since some benefit costs are fixed, you may take home less than 90% of your current take-home pay.

You will not qualify for guild membership if you:

  • Are already a W-2 employee, such as a hair stylist who earns commissions from a salon.

  • Must use another company’s booking and payment platform, such as Lyft or Uber drivers.

Comparison chart titled 'To Guild or Not to Guild' with two columns that compare earnings and benefits of Guild Membership. The Guild Member has access to all benefits while the non-guild member takes home $40 more/mo but has access to no benenefits.